BIOCOMPIG pellets Ongoing analysis of Biocompig pellets with 90% dm

Eurofins Agro

Eurofins Agro Our products are tested by Eurofins Agro

Agricole Terres en Fête qui se tiendra du 10 au 12 juin

We are happy to be able to meet you again (after 2 years of absence due to the pandemic) at the Terres en Fête agricultural show which will be held from June 10 to 12 in Tilloy-Les-Mofflaines.

At this show, we will present our renewed and extended range of organic fertilizer granules, which we currently produce for both the conventional and the organic market.

We would be happy to discuss the possibilities of our organic fertilizers for your company.

You can find us at stand number D-13.

Want to find out more about our Biocompig pellets?     Contact form